Rhinoplasty North Korea Complete Guide 2023: Enhancing Beauty and Aesthetic Excellence

In the enigmatic realm of North Korea, rhinoplasty is steadily gaining popularity as an intriguing intersection of beauty, self-expression, and politics. The desire for physical enhancement is transcending restrictive norms, defying the limitations imposed by a secluded society. Let us delve into the captivating world of rhinoplasty North Korea and uncover the cultural, political, and economic factors shaping this unique phenomenon.

Key Takeaways

The Growing Popularity of Rhinoplasty in North Korea

Woman after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a cosmetic surgery procedure focused on reshaping the nose, including tip rhinoplasty, and has experienced a surge in popularity in North Korea over the past decade. This rise can be attributed to a blend of factors, such as beauty standards, self-expression, and influence from South Korea, where cosmetic surgeries, including the rhinoplasty procedure, are also quite popular.

North Koreans are increasingly drawn to plastic surgery, seeking to emulate the aesthetics of South Korean celebrities and enhance their own appearance.

Reasons for the Rising Trend

The motives behind the growing demand for rhinoplasty in North Korea are multifaceted. Conformity to beauty standards plays a significant role, with societal pressure driving individuals to pursue procedures that align with the prevailing ideals.

Furthermore, the allure of rhinoplasty is amplified by its potential for political advantages and self-expression, drawing in individuals of diverse backgrounds.

The Elite and Rhinoplasty

Wealthy people tak

Rhinoplasty has become a symbol of status among North Korea’s elite. High-ranking officials and affluent individuals primarily drive the demand for such procedures, as they possess the financial means to pay for them in foreign currency. The limited accessibility to rhinoplasty for the majority of North Koreans adds to its allure as a privilege reserved for the select few.

This status symbol has become increasingly popular in recent years, with the number of procedures performed in

Rhinoplasty Procedures: Types and Techniques

Surgeon in north korea's isolation

A variety of rhinoplasty procedures are available in North Korea, including:

Asian rhinoplasty, in particular, focuses on enhancing the appearance of the nose, with outcomes generally being permanent. Despite the similarities to procedures in other countries, understanding the specific techniques and variations employed by North Korean practitioners to achieve the desired result is key.

North Korean surgeons may have been trained informally in China or South Korea, as specialized plastic surgery training is not available in the country. Therefore, conducting extensive research and consulting with well-versed surgeons is vital when considering rhinoplasty in North Korea, to guarantee safety and optimal outcomes.

Rhinoplasty Clinics and Surgeons in North Korea


A limited number of clinics and surgeons offer rhinoplasty, primarily in the capital city of Pyongyang. The quality and expertise of these clinics and surgeons can vary significantly, as many have received informal training outside of the country. Basic cosmetic surgery procedures can also be found in major North Korean hubs such as Kaesong, Wonsan, and Nampo.

A thorough research and obtaining recommendations from acquaintances, relatives, or other healthcare practitioners is of utmost importance when choosing a plastic surgeon in North Korea. Verification of the surgeon’s certification by the North Korean Board of Plastic Surgery can help minimise potential risks and complications at plastic surgery clinics.

Cost and Accessibility of Rhinoplasty in North Korea

A North Korean woman discussing the cost of rhinoplasty with a doctor

Compared to other countries, rhinoplasty in North Korea is relatively more affordable, with prices ranging from $500 to $2000 USD. Rhinoplasty in South Korea has a relatively high starting cost at $3000 USD. It can go as high as $10,000 USD, depending on the extent of surgery needed.

However, accessibility to rhinoplasty in North Korea is limited due to economic inequality and insufficient healthcare facilities. International patients seeking cosmetic procedures in North Korea face challenges such as stringent visa requirements, limitations on movement, and the overall secrecy of the regime.

Despite these obstacles, it is possible for foreign medical tourists to arrange rhinoplasty in North Korea, suggesting a potentially growing trend of medical tourism in the country.

Safety Concerns and Risks Associated with Rhinoplasty in North Korea

A North Korean doctor discussing the risks of rhinoplasty with a patient

Undergoing rhinoplasty in North Korea carries inherent risks due to lower healthcare standards, shortages of essential items, and an absence of follow-up care. The country’s resource deficiencies and economic isolation significantly restrict the advancement in options and quality of procedures. Patients may face potential complications and substandard outcomes if they choose to undergo surgery with a practitioner lacking the requisite training and expertise.

Those considering rhinoplasty in North Korea must scrutinize the facilities and question the qualifications of specific surgeons to evaluate safety. A comprehensive inquiry into the facility and surgeon before surgery in North Korea can alleviate potential risks and promote a successful outcome.

Personal Experiences: Stories from Rhinoplasty Patients in North Korea

north korean women

Firsthand accounts from patients who have undergone rhinoplasty in North Korea reveal the challenges and successes they faced during their unique journeys. These stories underscore the determination and resilience of individuals seeking to enhance their appearance and self-esteem in a country with restricted access to international healthcare standards and advanced surgical methods.

A Personal Tale of Rhinoplasty in North Korea

Ji-Yeon shared, "I was nervous before the surgery, not knowing what to expect. But the surgeon was professional and reassuring. The procedure went smoothly, and the recovery was quicker than I expected." She added that the surgery significantly boosted her self-confidence and changed the way she perceived herself.

However, Ji-Yeon also pointed out the challenges she faced. The cost of the procedure was a substantial investment for her family, and she had to travel to Pyongyang from her hometown, as there were no qualified surgeons in her local area. Despite these hurdles, Ji-Yeon believes that the surgery was worth it and has no regrets.

Ji-Yeon's story is a testament to the growing trend of rhinoplasty in North Korea, showing both the potential benefits and the challenges faced by individuals seeking this procedure in the country.

The impact of rhinoplasty on the lives of patients in North Korea can be profound. It can:

This demonstrates the transformative potential of this surgical procedure.

Medical Tourism and Rhinoplasty in North Korea

medical tourism

Medical tourism, including plastic surgery, could be a potential avenue for economic growth in North Korea. Although the country faces challenges in attracting international patients due to visa and movement restrictions, there are indications of a growing interest in medical tourism. The Koryo Hotel has a Friendship Clinic attached to it. This clinic specializes in medical tourism, and their doctors are believed to have been trained in either China or Russia..

Despite the potential for growth in medical tourism, the constraints imposed by the North Korean regime and economic limitations may hinder the development of this industry. As North Korea explores the possibilities of medical tourism for plastic surgery, it remains to be seen how the country will balance the opportunities with the challenges imposed by its political and social climate.

Ethical Considerations and the Impact on North Korean Society

Family in hospital

The growing trend of rhinoplasty in North Korea raises ethical concerns, such as:

Unqualified practitioners in North Korea contribute to ethical issues by:

With the continuous rise in popularity of rhinoplasty in North Korea, addressing these ethical concerns and contemplating their impact on cultural norms and values becomes increasingly important.

The Future of Rhinoplasty and Plastic Surgery in North Korea

The future of rhinoplasty in North Korea is uncertain, with indications of a growing industry influenced by South Korean beauty standards but facing constraints due to governmental control and economic limitations. The advancement of options and quality is significantly restricted by North Korea’s resource deficiencies and economic isolation.

As the country becomes more open to the idea of cosmetic enhancement, it is possible that perceptions regarding rhinoplasty and other plastic surgery procedures will continue to evolve. However, barring significant political and economic changes, the expansion of rhinoplasty and plastic surgery in North Korea is expected to remain restricted and incremental.


In the enigmatic world of North Korea, rhinoplasty has emerged as a captivating phenomenon, transcending cultural and political barriers to transform lives and challenge societal norms. As we have explored the unique factors shaping this trend, from beauty standards and self-expression to the elite’s pursuit of status, it becomes clear that rhinoplasty in North Korea is more than just a cosmetic procedure – it is a testament to the resilience and determination of a people seeking to enhance their lives despite the challenges imposed by their environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a nose job cost in Korea?

The average cost of Rhinoplasty (nose job) in Republic of Korea ranges from 6000$ to 13780$.

Do a lot of Koreans get rhinoplasty?

It is evident that rhinoplasty is a popular choice in South Korea, where the country is globally recognized for its advanced plastic surgery procedures. A significant portion of the population, both men and women, undergo various forms of cosmetic surgeries, including rhinoplasty, with it being the second most common surgery done in Korea every year.

Which country has the most nose surgery?

Iran has the highest rate of nose surgery in the world, performing more nose surgeries per capita than any other country. As people flock to Iran for rhinoplasty, it has become a hub for nose surgery.

Is it worth going to Korea for plastic surgery?

Given that the prices of plastic surgery are pretty even across the board, it's not worth it to travel all the way to South Korea just for the procedure. Additionally, don't be discouraged by “before-and-after” pictures you've seen online.

What factors contribute to the growing popularity of rhinoplasty in North Korea?

The growing popularity of rhinoplasty in North Korea is largely driven by beauty standards, increased possibilities for self-expression, and the influence of media and trends from South Korea.